

IOLTA Checking


We are proud to support law firms in our community and the Maine Justice Foundation.

IOLTAs (Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts) provide a place for trust money deposits with the interest earned going to the Maine Justice Foundation to help fund legal aid to low-income Maine residents.


IOLTA Checking

check mark iconCompetitive interest rate

check mark iconNo fixed charges

check mark iconNo minimum balance requirements

check mark iconInterest compounded monthly

check mark iconeStatements

check mark iconFree online banking

check mark iconFree mobile banking


For more information on the IOLTA program, visit the Maine Justice Association’s website. If you are interested in opening an IOLTA account, fill out the Notice to Financial Institution to Establish an IOLTA Account form.



Let’s get started!

Contact one of our Customer Service Representatives, who will be happy to provide you with more information and answer any questions or concerns you may have about IOLTA accounts.

Alicia Gaudette

Julia Rathbun

Customer Service Manager

Email Julia Rathbun

(207) 782-0400

Alicia Gaudette

Hillary Miller

Customer Service Representative II

Email Hillary Miller

(207) 782-6871

Alicia Gaudette

Cassie Pulito

Customer Service Representative

Email Cassie Pulito

(207) 782-6871

Alicia Gaudette

Teghan Halsey

Customer Service Representative II

Email Teghan Halsey

(207) 782-6871

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