3 Ways We Make Deposits Easy

3 Ways We Make Deposits Easy

3 Ways We Make Deposits Easy Can’t get to the bank during regular hours, don’t fret. We all have lives, and most of the time that means we can’t always make it to the bank during regular bank hours to deposit that check Grammy gave us for our birthday. Thankfully it’s...

The BackPack Project, More than School Supplies

The BackPack Project, More than School Supplies Auburn Savings is a proud sponsor of United Way’s Backpack Project. This program—one of the largest of its kind in Androscoggin County—provides backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year to children in...
The Greater L-A Triple Crown 5K Series

The Greater L-A Triple Crown 5K Series

The Greater L-A Triple Crown 5K Series Auburn Savings is a proud sponsor of the Greater L-A Triple Crown 5K Series, a set of three annual 5K road races in Lewiston-Auburn that take place over the course of three summer months—June, July, and August—each year. The goal...
Private Mortgage Insurance an Option

Private Mortgage Insurance an Option

Private Mortgage Insurance an Option When 20% Down Payment Isn’t A penny saved is a penny earned. We’ve all heard that saying at one point, maybe when Grandma sent us birthday money in a card or when Mom or Dad were teaching us about the importance of money management...
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